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Status and History of Orders


When logged in, you can view the history of your orders, see the status («Delivered», «In process», or «Discarded»), and the cost of the orders.


Conditions of Delivery


Items you ordered together will be sent to one address only.

If you have forgotten to order something after the checkout, you can add products to your basket by calling GreenDay at the following number 250025. 



Methods of Payment

In Greenday.am there are several modes of payment.

  1. Online: We support payments with MasterCard, Visa, or local cards. After completing your order you will be redirected to a payment page to fill in your card information.
  2. Cash: Pay for your order to our delivery person. When selecting this option, please also indicate whether you need us to bring you change.


Please note that if you pay online, we will have to wait to receive the payment confirmation, before we can deliver to you. 


Conditions of Cash Payment


Payments with cash are made at the time of delivery. Our delivery person has the right to take the products back if the customer is unable to make payment upon delivery. We do not accept payments in other currency, as it is prohibited by Armenian legislation. Depending on your location, our delivery person may be able to exchange your foreign currency at the nearest bank and accept your cash payment in AMD.

The prices on our website are final and tax is included. 
